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The Essential Guide to Different Types of Personal Protective Equipment for Every Industry

September 14, 2024

Personal Protective Equipment is crucial to protect the individual at the workplace in construction, health care sector, manufacturing sector, and many more. In this competency, different types of personal protective equipment are the key tools that are used to minimize the possibility of an accident occurring and hence work to improve the general safety of employees. Whether it is wearing hats while construction, gloves while manufacturing, or facemasks while in a healthcare setting, protection from hazards during working is critical and TPEP is crucial.

different types of personal protective equipment

Explore the Diverse Range of Personal Protective Equipment Offered by Andanda

At Andanda we are committed to safety in several industries with our assortment of different types of personal protective equipment. The promise of high-quality and reliability of safety equipment is our way of supporting the employees to avoid possible risks; this makes Andanda your most suitable safety solution partner. Below is the categorization of the vast PPE we have in the market to suit various workplaces depending on the activities required.

Head Protection

Hard Hats

An important element of safety at construction sites, ensuring against a fall of objects, shock, and electrical danger, our hard wears are made as per safety requirements. They are designed to offer adequate head protection in the construction industry, manufacturing industries, and any other environment that may be potentially hazardous.

Safety Goggles

Specify how our safety goggles are designed to protect the eyes from dust, chemicals, and flying debris. They help correct vision and are comfortable; hence essential for safe eyes in various industries and laboratories.

Face Shields

When it comes to splashes, sparks, or chemicals, face shields provide a clear and all-round shield. They are very useful for application together with other PPE to shield the whole face against various risks.

Welding Masks

It is crucial to note that our welding mask products are developed to address specific uses of welding and to guard the user from excessive heat, light, and sparks among others. The WG uses them to protect eyes and face to enhance appropriate and comfortable Welding operations.

Hand Protection

Work Gloves

We offer work gloves for different operations; cut-resistant gloves for use during operations that involve the use of sharp tools, and chemical-resistant gloves for use during operations that involve the use of chemicals among others. All the types of gloves provide specific protection to your hands to prevent accidents.

Respiratory Protection

Dust Masks

Regarding the aspect of safety and protection at the workplace, our dust masks help relieve unhealthy conditions such as dusty spaces to provide clean air. They are imperative in the protection of lung health in construction zones, workshops, and other dusty areas.


In the area of advanced respiratory protection, we offer a range of respirators and filters. These are meant to shield against almost all types of particulate matter and other irritants to create healthy respiratory conditions in the workplace for the workers.

Full-Face Masks

Full-face masks protecting the face and the respiratory system in their entirety are utilized in conditions that require maximum levels of protection. They provide full protection to guard against airborne materials and other possible physical dangers.

Foot Protection

Safety Shoes

Our portfolio of safety shoes is designed to protect the user from impact, compression, and electrical dangers at the workplace. It offers reliable foot protection for industries, constructions as well as other operational areas.

Steel-Toed Boots

Most vigorous use requires a special type of shoe such as the steel-toed boot which gives protection from impact or crushing. They are best suitable to be worn on construction sites and any place where foot injuries are most likely to happen.

Slip-Resistant Footwear

Our slip-resistant footwear helps enhance non-slip at workplaces to reduce incidences of slipping. Meant to give increased friction, these shoes will decrease the incidences of slips and falls and therefore increase safety at the workplace.

Full Body Protection


These are used to protect the whole body from coming into contact with chemicals, dust, or any other substances of nature at places of work. These are normally deployed in areas where clean environments are important like the laboratories and production lines.

Lab Coats

Our lab coats are meant for use in laboratories and other health-related facilities to shield one from spilling liquids and other forms of body contact with different types of agents. They are made to provide safety measures and help to keep sanities clean within sensitive regions.

High Visibility Vests

This ensures our high visibility vests provide better conformity in low light thus well suited for construction and outdoor activities. They assist in minimizing the occurrence of accidents since the workers can be easily noticed in some of the complicated conditions.

Today at Andanda, we strive to provide quality and safety in all our PPE products for our customers. Products including helmets, gloves, face shields, and safety glasses are worn in our products and offer assurance and protection to young and old across industries. Consequently, when you decide to work with Andanda, you are partnering with a company that offers the best quality protection to suit the needs of your organization.

Industries and Applications

As noticed earlier some forms of personal protective equipment are used in different companies to protect the employees. Here’s a brief overview of how PPE is applied in specific fields:

 • Healthcare Safety: Such items as masks, gloves, and gowns are used to protect healthcare workers from infections and other contaminants.

Construction Safety: The personal protective equipment that is required includes helmets, safety glasses, and gloves which will help to safely protect the employees from the physical danger existing in construction areas.

• Laboratory Safety: Chemicals, biological agents, and physical hazards are shielded from, lab coats, goggles, and gloves from physical harm.

• Emergency Response: The protective gear that the firefighters and other emergency response givers wear includes fire-resistant uniforms, caps, and helmets.


Understanding the different types of personal protective equipment and their applications is crucial for maintaining safety in various environments. From respiratory protection to hand and foot gear, each type of PPE plays a vital role in protecting against specific hazards. By adhering to regulations and choosing the appropriate PPE for your industry, you can ensure a safer and more compliant workplace. For more information on personal protective equipment and to explore the wide range of safety gear available, visit Andanda.

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